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Training Requirements

The Psychomotor Education Institute of South Africa (PEISA) offers training for a course following the Bernard Aucouturier’s Psychomotor Practice (PPA®).
The training consists of two levels.

PPA® Educator Training – 300 hours 

The course is divided in three parts, theory – practice – personal workshop

To obtain the PPA® Educator certificate, the participant will be required to complete:

Two written assignments
Reading & presentation of books
One Final project

At this level the Psychomotor Educator is qualified to implement the program in pre-primary schools. The psychomotor educator is also qualified to introduce the program to new pre-primary schools.

PPA® Trainer Training – 200 hours

The PPA® Educator may apply for this course and become a PPA® Trainer.

Additional information on this course is available on request.
